[% USE date; USE start = DateTime(now = 1); PROCESS inputs; WRAPPER html/table; WRAPPER html/row; WRAPPER html/cell; 'Year: '; INCLUDE name=input_prefix _ ':year' text size=4 value=(current_value.year ? current_value.year : start.year); END; END; WRAPPER html/row; WRAPPER html/cell; 'Start week of year: '; WRAPPER select name=input_prefix _ ':start'; count = 1; WHILE count < 53; selected = 0; IF count == current_value.start; selected = 1; END; INCLUDE option value=count; count = count + 1; END; END; END; END; WRAPPER html/row; WRAPPER html/cell; 'End week of year: '; WRAPPER select name=input_prefix _ ':end'; count = 1; WHILE count < 53; selected = 0; IF count == current_value.end; selected = 1; END; INCLUDE option value=count; count = count + 1; END; END; END; END; END; %]