[% WRAPPER html/html; WRAPPER header.ttk + navbar.ttk title="Report Templates"; PROCESS inputs; PROCESS class_manip; PROCESS widget_manip; INCLUDE logout.ttk; END; WRAPPER html/body; PROCESS logic_header.ttk; PROCESS select_sorter.js; templates = DBI.tie('reporter.stage2', 'id') tmpl = {}; IF CGI.param('id'); tid = CGI.param('id'); tmpl = templates.$tid; END; IF CGI.param('action') == 'save'; PROCESS save_stage2; ELSIF CGI.param('action') == 'edit'; PROCESS edit_stage2; ELSIF CGI.param('action') == 'run'; PROCESS run_stage2; ELSE; PROCESS view_stage2; END; END; INCLUDE footer.ttk; END; BLOCK save_stage2; stage1 = CGI.param('stage1'); pub = CGI.param('publictemplate') OR 'f'; owner = user.id(); p_obj = {}; FOR p = CGI.param(); logme([p,CGI.param(p)]); parts = p.split(':'); p1 = parts.0; p2 = parts.1; p3 = parts.2; p4 = parts.3; IF p4 AND (CGI.param("$p1").list.grep("^$p2$").size > 0) AND (CGI.param("$p1:$p2").list.grep("^$p3$").size > 0) AND (CGI.param("$p1:$p2:$p3").list.grep("^$p4$").size > 0); p_obj.$p1.$p2.$p3.$p4 = CGI.param(p); ELSIF p2 AND (CGI.param("$p1").list.grep(p2).size > 0); p_obj.dims.$p2 = 1; ELSIF p1 != 'filter'; p_obj.$p1 = CGI.param(p); END; END; params = utils.perl2JSON( p_obj ); logme([stage1, params, owner, pub]); q = DBI.prepare( stage2_insert ); CALL q.execute(stage1, params, owner, pub); FOR new_s2 = DBI.query("SELECT * FROM reporter.stage2_id_seq;"); tid = new_s2.last_value; INCLUDE view_stage2 tmpl = templates.$tid; END; END; BLOCK edit_stage2; END; BLOCK view_stage2; logme(tmpl.params); params = utils.JSON2perl( tmpl.params ); WRAPPER html/table border=0 width='100%'; WRAPPER html/row; WRAPPER html/cell colspan=5 align='center'; s1_name_xpath = '/reporter/tables/table[@id="' _ params.stage1 _ '"]/label'; INCLUDE anchor content=config.findvalue( s1_name_xpath ) href="stage1?id=" _ params.stage1; ' :: ' _ params.templatename _ '
'; INCLUDE anchor content="Create a report from this template" href=CGI.url('-path', 1) _ '?action=run&id=' _ tmpl.id; END; END; WRAPPER html/row; INCLUDE html/cell colspan=4 content="Filterable Attributes:"; END; core_table = params.stage1; tables = params.filter.keys; tables.unshift(core_table); tables = tables.unique; FOR t = tables; logme(['table id or link id', t]); f_table = INCLUDE find_table_id id=t; table = config.findnodes( "/reporter/tables/table[@id='$f_table']"); WRAPPER html/row; INCLUDE html/cell; WRAPPER html/cell colspan=4 align='left'; IF t != f_table; link_xpath = '//*[@id="' _ t _ '"]'; dim_link = config.findnodes(link_xpath); link_label_xpath = '../../fields/field[@name="' _ dim_link.findvalue('@field') _ '"]/label'; dim_link.findvalue(link_label_xpath); ' -- '; END; table.findvalue( 'label' ); END; END; FOR f_field = params.filter.$t.keys; logme([f_table,f_field]); FOR f_fam = params.filter.$t.$f_field.keys; logme([f_table,f_field,f_fam]); f_widget = params.filter.$t.$f_field.$f_fam; logme([f_table,f_field,f_fam,f_widget]); WRAPPER html/row; field = table.findnodes( "fields/field[@name='$f_field']" ); fam = config.findnodes( "/reporter/widgets/widget-family[@name='$f_fam']" ); widget = fam.findnodes( "widget[@name='$f_widget']" ); INCLUDE html/cell colspan=2; INCLUDE html/cell align='right' content=field.findvalue( 'label' ); INCLUDE html/cell align='center' content=fam.findvalue( 'label' ); INCLUDE html/cell align='left' content=widget.findvalue( 'label' ); END; END; END; END; WRAPPER html/row; INCLUDE html/cell colspan=5 content="
"; END; WRAPPER html/row; INCLUDE html/cell colspan=5 content="Attributes Available for Output"; END; tables = params.dims.keys; tables.unshift(core_table); tables = tables.unique; FOR t = tables; f_table = INCLUDE find_table_id id=t; table = config.findnodes( "/reporter/tables/table[@id='$f_table']"); tname = table.findvalue( "label" ); tdesc = table.findvalue( "desription" ); #NEXT IF table.findvalue('@fact-table') == 'true'; WRAPPER html/row; INCLUDE html/cell; WRAPPER html/cell colspan=4 align='left'; IF t != f_table; link_xpath = '//*[@id="' _ t _ '"]'; dim_link = config.findnodes(link_xpath); link_label_xpath = '../../fields/field[@name="' _ dim_link.findvalue('@field') _ '"]/label'; dim_link.findvalue(link_label_xpath); ' -- '; END; tname; END; END; FOR field = table.findnodes('fields/field[not(@primary) or @primary != "true"]'); link_test = '../../links/link[@field="' _ field.findvalue('@name') _ '"]'; logme(['link_test',link_test]); NEXT IF field.findnodes( link_test ); fname = field.findvalue( "label" ); fdesc = field.findvalue( "desription" ); WRAPPER html/row; INCLUDE html/cell colspan=2; INCLUDE html/cell align='right' content=fname; INCLUDE html/cell colspan=2 align='center' content=fdesc; END; END; END; END; END; BLOCK run_stage2; logme(tmpl.params); params = utils.JSON2perl( tmpl.params ); %]
[% WRAPPER html/table width="100%"; WRAPPER html/row; WRAPPER html/cell align='center'; s1_name_xpath = '/reporter/tables/table[@id="' _ params.stage1 _ '"]/label'; INCLUDE anchor content=config.findvalue( s1_name_xpath ) href="stage1?id=" _ params.stage1; ' :: ' _ params.templatename; END; END; END; '

'; WRAPPER form id="stage3_new" name="stage3_new" action="stage3" onsubmit="return send_it(this);" method="POST"; INCLUDE hidden name='stage2' value=CGI.param('id'); '
Report Name:'; INCLUDE text name='reportname' size="50"; '

'; ''; WRAPPER html/table width="100%"; WRAPPER html/row style="border-top: solid black 2px;"; INCLUDE html/cell colspan=2 content='Output and Sort Order' style="border-top: solid black 2px;"; INCLUDE html/cell colspan=2 content='Output Formats' align="center" style="border-top: solid black 2px;"; END; WRAPPER html/row; WRAPPER html/cell rowspan=3 width="25%"; INCLUDE select multi=1 size=5 id='output_order' name='output_order'; END; WRAPPER html/cell; INCLUDE anchor href='javascript:void(0);' content='Up' onclick="Widget.Select.moveSelectedOptionsUp('output_order')"; END; WRAPPER html/cell align="right"; INCLUDE checkbox name='output_format' value='csv' checked='checked'; END; INCLUDE html/cell content="CSV" align="left"; END; WRAPPER html/row; WRAPPER html/cell; INCLUDE anchor href='javascript:void(0);' content='Down' onclick="Widget.Select.moveSelectedOptionsDown('output_order')"; END; WRAPPER html/cell align="right"; INCLUDE checkbox name='output_format' value='excel' checked='checked'; END; INCLUDE html/cell content="Excel" align="left"; END; WRAPPER html/row; INCLUDE html/cell; WRAPPER html/cell align="right" valign='top'; INCLUDE checkbox name='output_format' value='html' checked='checked'; END; WRAPPER html/cell align="left"; 'HTML
'; WRAPPER html/table; WRAPPER html/row + html/cell colspan=2; "Graph types"; END; WRAPPER html/row; WRAPPER html/cell; INCLUDE checkbox name='html_graph_type' value='bar' checked=1; END; INCLUDE html/cell content='Bar'; END; WRAPPER html/row; WRAPPER html/cell; INCLUDE checkbox name='html_graph_type' value='pie' checked=1; END; INCLUDE html/cell content='Pie'; END; WRAPPER html/row; WRAPPER html/cell; INCLUDE checkbox name='html_graph_type' value='line'; END; INCLUDE html/cell content='Line'; END; END; END; END; END; '

Pivot Column: '; WRAPPER select id='pivot_col' name='pivot_col'; INCLUDE option value='' content='No Pivot'; END; '

'; WRAPPER html/table border=0 width='100%'; WRAPPER html/row; INCLUDE html/cell colspan=4 content="Filterable Attributes

" style="border-top: solid black 2px;"; END; core_table = params.stage1; tables = params.filter.keys; tables.unshift(core_table) IF tables.grep("^$core_table$"); tables = tables.unique; FOR t = tables; NEXT UNLESS params.filter.$t.keys; f_table = INCLUDE find_table_id id=t; table = config.findnodes( "/reporter/tables/table[@id='$f_table']"); table_label = table.findvalue( 'label' ); WRAPPER html/row; WRAPPER html/cell colspan=3 align='center' style="border: solid black 1px; background: lightgray;"; IF t != f_table; link_xpath = '//*[@id="' _ t _ '"]'; dim_link = config.findnodes(link_xpath); link_label_xpath = '../../fields/field[@name="' _ dim_link.findvalue('@field') _ '"]/label'; table_label = table_label _ ' -- ' _ dim_link.findvalue(link_label_xpath); END; table_label; END; END; FOR f_field = params.filter.$t.keys; logme([f_table,f_field]); FOR f_fam = params.filter.$t.$f_field.keys; logme([f_table,f_field,f_fam]); f_widget = params.filter.$t.$f_field.$f_fam; logme([f_table,f_field,f_fam,f_widget]); WRAPPER html/row; field = table.findnodes( "fields/field[@name='$f_field']" ); fam = config.findnodes( "/reporter/widgets/widget-family[@name='$f_fam']" ); widget = fam.findnodes( "widget[@name='$f_widget']" ); w_file = 'widgets/' _ fam.findvalue('@name') _ '.' _ widget.findvalue('@name'); INCLUDE html/cell align='left' style="padding-left: 50px;" content=field.findvalue( 'label' ); WRAPPER html/cell align='left'; TRY; classname = table.findvalue('@id'); fieldname = field.findvalue('@name'); widgetname = widget.findvalue('@name'); famname = fam.findvalue('@name'); table_alias = t; input_prefix = "filter:$t:$fieldname:$famname:$widgetname"; INCLUDE $w_file widget_family=fam; CATCH; %]ARG!! Couldn't render widget [% $w_file %] ([% error.info %])!!![% END; END; END; END; END; END; WRAPPER html/row; INCLUDE html/cell colspan=4 content="
"; END; WRAPPER html/row; INCLUDE html/cell colspan=4 content="Attributes Available for Output

" style="border-top: solid black 2px;"; END; table = config.findnodes( "/reporter/tables/table[@id='$core_table']" ); classname = table.findvalue( "@id" ); tname = table.findvalue( "label" ); tdesc = table.findvalue( "desription" ); WRAPPER html/row; INCLUDE html/cell colspan=4 align='center' content=tname style="border: solid black 1px; background: lightgray;"; END; pkey_field = table.findnodes('fields/field[@primary = "true"]'); pid = pkey_field.findvalue('@name'); plabel = pkey_field.findvalue('label'); WRAPPER html/row; WRAPPER html/cell align='left' style="padding-left: 50px;"; INCLUDE checkbox checked='checked' name="output:$classname:$pid" value="include" onclick="field_add_remove(this)"; INCLUDE hidden name="xform:type:$classname:$pid" value="count_dist"; %] [% "Per group count of $plabel

"; END; INCLUDE html/cell align='center'; END; tables = params.dims.keys; tables.unshift(core_table); tables = tables.unique; core_done = 0; FOR f_table = tables; noheader = 0; noheader = 1 IF f_table == core_table; INCLUDE show_filter_atts; WRAPPER html/row; INCLUDE html/cell colspan=4 content="

"; END; END; END; INCLUDE checkbox name="publicreport" value="t"; 'Public Report
'; INCLUDE submit name="action" value="Run Now"; INCLUDE submit name="action" value="Schedule"; END; END; BLOCK show_filter_atts; t = f_table; f_table = INCLUDE find_table_id id=t; table = config.findnodes( "/reporter/tables/table[@id='$f_table']"); classname = table.findvalue( "@id" ); tname = table.findvalue( "label" ); tdesc = table.findvalue( "desription" ); IF ! noheader; WRAPPER html/row; WRAPPER html/cell colspan=4 align='center' style="border: solid black 1px; background: lightgray;"; IF t != f_table; link_xpath = '//*[@id="' _ t _ '"]'; dim_link = config.findnodes(link_xpath); link_label_xpath = '../../fields/field[@name="' _ dim_link.findvalue('@field') _ '"]/label'; dim_link.findvalue(link_label_xpath); ' -- '; END; tname; END; END; END; fields_xpath = 'fields/field[not(@primary) or @primary != "true"]'; count = 1; FOR field = table.findnodes(fields_xpath); link_test = '../../links/link[@field="' _ field.findvalue('@name') _ '"]'; logme(['link_test',link_test]); NEXT IF field.findnodes( link_test ); fname = field.findvalue( "label" ); fid = field.findvalue( "@name" ); bg_color = 'white'; IF count % 2; bg_color = 'lightcyan'; END; WRAPPER html/row; WRAPPER html/cell align='left' col=bg_color style="padding-left: 50px;"; INCLUDE checkbox name="output:$t:$fid" value="include" onclick="field_add_remove(this)"; %] [% fname; END; INCLUDE html/cell align='right' content='Output Transformation:' col=bg_color; WRAPPER html/cell align='left' col=bg_color style="padding-left: 50px;"; dtype = field.findvalue('@transform-group'); IF !dtype; dtype = field.findvalue('@datatype'); END; WRAPPER select id="xform:type:$t:$fid" name="xform:type:$t:$fid" onchange="show_hide_params(this)"; INCLUDE option value='' content='None' selected=1; FOR xform = dtype_xform_map.$dtype; xform_label = dtype_xforms.$xform.label; IF dtype_xforms.$xform.param; xform_label = "$xform_label (*)"; END; INCLUDE option value=xform content=xform_label; END; END; %]
[% END; END; count = count + 1; END; END; %]