[% PROCESS inputs; BLOCK class_table; WRAPPER html/table width='100%' style='border-top: 1px solid black'; WRAPPER html/row; WRAPPER html/cell align="right" width="30%"; %]Name:[% END; WRAPPER html/cell; classname.findvalue('label'); END; END; WRAPPER html/row; WRAPPER html/cell align="right"; %]Description:[% END; WRAPPER html/cell; classname.findvalue('description'); END; END; IF classname.findvalue('@fact-table') == 'true' AND CGI.param('create_stage2') != 1; WRAPPER html/row; WRAPPER html/cell align="right"; %]Actions:[% END; WRAPPER html/cell; IF CGI.param('detail'); %]No Details[% ELSE; %]Details[% END; %]|New Report Template[% END; END; WRAPPER html/row; INCLUDE html/cell align="right" valign='top' content='Report Templates:'; WRAPPER html/cell; q = 'select * from reporter.stage2 ' _ 'where pub is true or owner = ' _ DBI.quote(user.id()); FOR r = DBI.query(q); INCLUDE anchor href="stage2?id=" _ r.id content=utils.JSON2perl(r.params).templatename; '
'; END; END; END; END; INCLUDE class_detail IF CGI.param('detail') == 1; END; END; BLOCK class_fields; FOR f = classname.findnodes('fields/field'); WRAPPER html/row; WRAPPER html/cell align="right"; f.findvalue('label'); END; WRAPPER html/cell; %] ([% IF f.findvalue('description'); f.findvalue('description'); %] -- [% END; f.findvalue('@name')%]::[%f.findvalue('@datatype') %])[% END; END; END; END; BLOCK class_detail; INCLUDE class_fields; IF classname.findvalue('@fact-table') == 'true' AND nosub != 1; WRAPPER html/row; WRAPPER html/cell align="right"; %]Report Dimensions
and Attributes:
[% END; WRAPPER html/cell; incs = classname.findnodes('links/link/@field'); FOR dim = incs; link_xpath = '/reporter/tables/table[@id="' _ fact_table _'"]'_ '/links/link[@field="' _ dim.value() _ '"]/@table'; logme(link_xpath); dim_table = config.findvalue(link_xpath); dim_xpath = '/reporter/tables/table[@id="' _ dim_table _ '"]'; logme(dim_xpath); dim_def = config.findnodes(dim_xpath); INCLUDE class_table classname = dim_def; END; END; END; END; END; %]