# actions required by all debian-based OSs APT_TOOL=apt-get -yq RELEASE_CODENAME=$(shell lsb_release -cs) install_debs: $(APT_TOOL) install $(DEBS) # On Ubuntu and possibly Debian, the libdbi0 package prevents the # compiled-from-source version from being used and breaks the install. # This package might get installed depending on the install-time choices # for the distro. Test for its existence; if it's there, throw an error # message and exit. test_for_libdbi_pkg: @if [ "$$(apt-cache policy libdbi0 | grep Installed | grep none | wc -l)" -eq 0 ]; then \ echo "*** Detected locally installed libdbi0 package; you must remove this"; \ echo "*** with a command like 'aptitude remove libdbi0' before proceeding"; \ echo "*** to successfully install Evergreen."; \ echo; \ echo "*** Note: this may break other applications on your system."; \ exit 0; \ fi; debian_sys_config: # link the apache modules in for m in $(DEB_APACHE_MODS); do a2enmod $$m; done; # keep the bad apache modules away for m in $(DEB_APACHE_DISMODS); do a2dismod -f $$m; done; # keep the bad apache configs away for m in $(DEB_APACHE_DISCONF); do a2disconf $$m; done; # refresh the dynamic library cache ldconfig # Adding this for installing versions from PostgreSQL community apt source debian_postgresql_repo: if test -z "$$(grep -R apt.postgresql.org /etc/apt/)" ; then \ echo "deb http://apt.postgresql.org/pub/repos/apt/ $(RELEASE_CODENAME)-pgdg main" \ > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pgdg.list; \ wget --quiet -O - https://www.postgresql.org/media/keys/ACCC4CF8.asc | apt-key add - ; \ $(APT_TOOL) update ; \ fi clean: echo "cleaning" # vim:noet:sw=4:ts=4: