[%- USE date -%] [%- SET user = circ_list.0.usr -%] [%- SET lib = circ_list.0.circ_lib -%] To: [% user.email %] From: [% smtp_sender %] Reply-To: [% smtp_reply %] Subject: Overdue Notification Dear [% user.first_given_name %] [% user.family_name %], Our records indicate these items are 7 days overdue: [% FOREACH circ = circ_list %] [% get_bib_attr(circ, 'title') %], by [% get_bib_attr(circ, 'author') %] Call Number: [% circ.target_copy.call_number.label %] [%- SET due_date = parse_due_date(circ) %] Due Date: [% date.format(due_date, '%Y-%m-%d') %] Barcode: [% circ.target_copy.barcode %] [% END %] Please return the above items to avoid additional fines. Please do not respond to this email. Contact your library for more information: [% lib.name %] [% lib.mailing_address.street1 %] [% lib.mailing_address.street2 %] [% lib.mailing_address.city %], [% lib.mailing_address.state %] [% lib.mailing_address.post_code %] [% lib.phone %]