]> git.evergreen-ils.org Git - Evergreen.git/blob - Open-ILS/web/templates/default/opac/myopac/lists.tt2
Merge branch 'master' of git+ssh://yeti.esilibrary.com/home/evergreen/evergreen-equin...
[Evergreen.git] / Open-ILS / web / templates / default / opac / myopac / lists.tt2
1 [%  PROCESS "default/opac/parts/header.tt2";
2     WRAPPER "default/opac/parts/base.tt2" +
3         "default/opac/parts/myopac/base.tt2";
4     myopac_page = "lists"  %]
5 <div
6     style="margin-top: 6px;margin-left:20px;width:250px;padding:5px;"
7     id="mylist_div">
8     <div style="padding-bottom: 7px;">
9         <h2 style="font-weight:normal;">Create new list</h2>
10         Enter the name of the new list:<br />
11         <input type="text" id="mylist_new" />
12     </div>
13     <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="10" border="0">
14         <tr>
15             <td>
16                 Share this list?
17                 <a href="#"><img
18                     alt="Sharing Help"
19                     src="[% ctx.media_prefix %]/images/question-mark.png" /></a>
20             </td>
21             <td>
22                 <input type="radio" value="0" name="shareList"
23                     id="shareListNo" checked="checked" />
24                 <label for="shareListNo">No</label>
25                 <br />
26                 <input type="radio" value="1" name="shareList"
27                     id="shareListYes" />
28                     <label for="shareListYes">Yes</label>
29             </td>
30         </tr>
31     </table>
32     <a href="#"><img
33         alt="Submit" src="[% ctx.media_prefix %]/images/btnSubmit.png" /></a>
34     &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
35     <a href="#"><img
36         alt="Cancel" src="[% ctx.media_prefix %]/images/btnCancel.png" /></a>
37 </div>
38 <div id='myopac_bookbag_div' style="padding:5px;">
39     <div class="header_middle">
40         <span id="acct_holds_header" style="float:left;">My Lists</span>
41         <span style="float:right;">
42             <a class="hide_me" href="#">Export List</a>
43         </span>
44     </div>
45     <div style="float:right;width:85px;">
46         <div style="position:absolute">
47             <div style="position:relative;top:13px;">
48                 <a href="#"
49                     style="position:relative;top:-3px;left:-5px;"><img
50                     alt="Saving Help"
51                     src="[% ctx.media_prefix %]/images/question-mark.png" /></a>
52                 <a id='acct_lists_save' href="#"><img alt="Save"
53                     src="[% ctx.media_prefix %]/images/save-btn.png" /></a>
54             </div>
55         </div>
56     </div>
57     <div class="clear-both pad-top-ten">
58         <a href="#">+ Add new list</a>
59     </div>
60     <div id="temp_wrapper">
61         <div id='acct_list_template2' class="hide_me">
62             <div style="width:100%">
63                 <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
64                     <tr>
65                         <td style="font-weight:bold;padding-right:10px;" id='anon_list_name'>
66                             Temporary List
67                         </td>
68                         <td>
69                             <a href="#"><img
70                                 alt="Anonymous List Help"
71                                 src="[% ctx.media_prefix %]/images/question-mark.png" /></a>
72                         </td>
73                     </tr>
74                 </table>
75                 <div class="float-right"></div>
76                 <div class="clear-both pad-bottom-five"></div>
77             </div>
79             <table id="acct_list_header_anon" cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' border='0'>
80                 <tr>
81                     <td width="1%" style="padding-left:10px;">
82                         <input type="checkbox" id="check_all_list_anon" />
83                     </td>
84                     <td width="98%" style="padding-left:5px;">Title</td>
85                     <td width="1%">
86                         <select style='width:175px;margin-right:11px;'
87                             name="list_actions" id="sel_all_list_anon">
88                             <option value="0">-- Actions for this list --</option>
89                             <option value="hold">Place Hold</option>
90                             <option value="remove">Remove Items</option>
91                         </select>
92                     </td>
93                 </tr>
94             </table>
95             <table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='5' border='0'
96                 width='91%' style='margin-left:5px;margin-top:5px;'>
97                 <tbody id='anon_list_tbody'></tbody>
98             </table>
99             <br /><br />
100         </div>
101         <div id='acct_lists_prime'>
102             <div id='acct_list_template'>
103                 <div style="width:100%">
104                     <div style="float:left;font-weight:bold;padding-top:5px;"
105                         name='list_name'></div>
106                     <div style="float:left;padding:5px 0px 0px 10px;">
107                         <a target='_blank' name='share_list_rss'
108                             class='hide_me'><img alt="RSS Feed" border="0"
109                             src="/opac[% ctx.media_prefix %]/images/small-rss.png"
110                             title="You are sharing this list"/></a>
111                     </div>
112                     <div style="float:left;padding:5px 0px 0px 10px;">
113                         <a href="#" name="share_list_link">Share</a>
114                     </div>
115                     <div style="float:left;padding:5px 0px 0px 10px;">
116                         <a href="#" name="remove_list">Remove</a>
117                     </div>
118                     <div class="clear-both pad-bottom-five"></div>
119                 </div>
120                 <table id="acct_list_header" cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'
121                     border='0'>
122                     <tr>
123                         <td width="1%" style="padding-left:10px;">
124                             <input type="checkbox" id="check_all_list" />
125                         </td>
126                         <td width="98%" style="padding-left:5px;">Title</td>
127                         <td width="1%">
128                             <select style='width:175px;margin-right:11px;' name="list_actions">
129                                 <option value="0">-- Actions for this list --</option>
130                                 <option value="hold">Place Hold</option>
131                                 <option value="remove">Remove Items</option>
132                             </select>
133                         </td>
134                     </tr>
135                 </table>
136                 <table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='5' border='0'
137                     width='91%' style='margin-left:5px;margin-top:5px;'>
138                     <tbody name='list_tbody'></tbody>
139                 </table>
140                 <br /><br />
141             </div>
142         </div>
143     </div>
144     <div id='myopac_delete_bookbag_warn' class='hide_me'>
145         [% l("This will remove the selected bookbag and all items contained within the bookbag.  Are you sure you wish to continue?") %]
146     </div>
147     <div style='text-align: center; font-weight: bold;' 
148         class='hide_me' id='myopac_bookbags_none'>[% l("You have not created any bookbags") %]</div>
149     <table width='100%' class='data_grid data_grid_center hide_me'
150         id='myopac_bookbag_table'>
151         <thead>
152             <tr>
153                 <td>[% l("Name") %]</td>
154                 <td>[% l("# Items") %]</td>
155                 <td>[% l("Shared") %]</td>
156                 <td>[% l("Share / Hide") %]</td>
157                 <td>[% l("Delete this bookbag?") %]</td>
158             </tr>
159         </thead>
160         <tbody id='myopac_bookbag_tbody'>
161             <tr id='myopac_bookbag_tr'>
162                 <td>
163                     <a href='#' class='classic_link'
164                         name='myopac_expand_bookbag'> </a>
165                 </td>
166                 <td>
167                     <span name='myopac_bookbag_item_count'> </span>
168                     <span> [% l("Items") %]</span>
169                 </td>
170                 <td>
171                     <span name='myopac_bb_published_no' class='hide_me'>
172                         [% l("No") %]
173                     </span>
174                     <span name='myopac_bb_published_yes' class='hide_me'>
175                         [% l("Yes") %]
176                     </span>
177                     <a name='myopac_bb_published_view'
178                         class='classic_link hide_me'>[% l("(View)") %]</a>
179                     <a name='myopac_bb_published_atom'
180                         class='unadorned_link hide_me'>
181                         <img alt="RSS Feed" border="0"
182                         src="/opac[% ctx.media_prefix %]/images/small-rss.png"
183                         title="[% l("ATOM Feed") %]" />
184                     </a>
185                 </td>
186                 <td>
187                     <a name='myopac_bb_make_unpublished'
188                         class='classic_link hide_me'>[% l("Hide") %]</a>
189                     <a name='myopac_bb_make_published'
190                         class='classic_link hide_me'>[% l("Share this Bookbag") %]</a>
191                 </td>
192                 <td>
193                     <a class='classic_link' href='#'
194                         name='myopac_container_delete'>[% l("Delete") %]</a>
195                 </td>
196             </tr>
197         </tbody>
198     </table>
199     <table width='100%' class='data_grid data_grid_center hide_me' style='margin-top: 10px;'>
200         <thead>
201             <tr><td>[% l("Create a new Bookbag") %]</td></tr>
202         </thead>
203         <tbody>
204             <tr>
205                 <td> 
206                     <span style='padding-right: 5px;'>
207                         [% l("Enter the name of the new Bookbag: ") %]
208                     </span>
209                     <input id='myopac_bookbag_new_name' type='text' /> 
210                 </td>
211             </tr>
212             <tr>
213                 <td>
214                     <span style='padding: 5px;'>[% l("Share this Bookbag") %]</span>
215                     <a class='classic_link'
216                         href='#'><b>[% l("(Help)") %]</b></a>
217                     <span>[% l("Yes") %]</span>
218                     <input type='radio' name='bb_public' id='bb_public_yes'/>
219                     <span>[% l("No") %]</span>
220                     <input type='radio' name='bb_public' id='bb_public_no' checked='checked'/>
221                     <input style='padding-left: 10px;' type='submit'
222                         value='[% l("Submit") %]' />
223                 </td>
224             </tr>
225         </tbody>
226     </table>
227     <div style='width: 99%; text-align: center'>
228         <b id='myopac_bookbag_items_name'> </b>
229     </div>
230     <div class='hide_me'
231         style='width:100%; text-align:center; font-weight:700; margin-top:10px;'
232         id='myopac_bookbag_no_items'>
233         [% l("The selected bookbag contains no items...") %]
234     </div>
235     <table width='100%' class='hide_me data_grid data_grid_center'
236         id='myopac_bookbag_items_table'>
237         <thead> 
238             <tr>
239                 <td>[% l("Title") %]</td>
240                 <td>[% l("Authors") %]</td>
241                 <td>[% l("Remove this item?") %]</td>
242             </tr> 
243         </thead>
244         <tbody id='myopac_bookbag_items_tbody'>
245             <tr id='myopac_bookbag_items_row'>
246                 <td>
247                     <a name='myopac_bookbag_items_title'
248                         class='classic_link'> </a>
249                 </td>
250                 <td name='myopac_bookbag_items_author'></td>
251                 <td>
252                     <a name='myopac_bookbag_items_remove'
253                         class='classic_link'>[% l("remove") %]</a>
254                 </td>    
255             </tr>
256         </tbody>
257     </table>
258     <span id='bb_publish_text' class='hide_me'>[% l("Sharing a Bookbag means that the contents of the Bookbag will be visible to others.  To see the public view of a shared Bookbag, click the \"View\" link in the \"Shared\" column of the Bookbag list at the top of this page.") %]</span>
259     <span id='myopac_remove_bb_item_confirm' class='hide_me'>
260         [% l("Are you sure you wish to remove this bookbag item?") %]
261     </span>
262     <span id='myopac_make_published_confirm' class='hide_me'>
263         [% l("Sharing this bookbag will allow the contents of the bookbag to be seen by others.  Are you sure you wish to share this bookbag?") %]
264     </span>
265     <span id='myopac_make_unpublished_confirm' class='hide_me'>
266         [% l("Are you sure you wish to hide this bookbag?") %]
267     </span>
268     <span id='myopac_bb_update_success' class='hide_me'>
269         [% l("The Bookbag was successfully updated.") %]
270     </span>
271     <span id='bb_create_warning' class='hide_me'>
272         [% l("Warning: Adding items to a bookbag creates a link between you and the items in the database.  The contents of the bookbag are NOT publicly viewable unless the bookbag is shared. However, if you prefer not to have any link between your patron record and a particular item or items, we suggest that you do not place said items in a bookbag or that you avoid using bookbags all together.  Thank you.") %]
273     </span>
274     <span id='myopac_bb_what_are' class='hide_me'>
275         [% l("Bookbags are...") %]
276     </span>
277     <span class='hide_me' id='bb_update_success'>
278         [% l("Bookbag successfully updated") %]
279     </span>
280 </div>
281 [% END %]