]> git.evergreen-ils.org Git - Evergreen.git/blob - Open-ILS/src/templates/opac/parts/searchbar.tt2
LP#1815815: Simplify basic search UI
[Evergreen.git] / Open-ILS / src / templates / opac / parts / searchbar.tt2
1 <h3 class="sr-only">[% l('Catalog Search') %]</h3>
2 [% PROCESS "opac/parts/org_selector.tt2";
4 # We need to ignore some filters in our count
6 fignore = ['lasso','location_groups','site','core_limit','limit','badge_orgs','badges','estimation_strategy','depth'];
7 fcount = 0;
8 FOR f IN ctx.query_struct.filters;
9     IF fignore.grep('^' _ f.name _ '$').size;
10         NEXT;
11     END;
12     fcount = fcount + 1;
13 END;
15     # don't display a box for the search_format filter,
16     # as that's got its own widget
17     ignore_filters = ['search_format'];
19     trimmed_filters = [];
20     FOR filter IN ctx.query_struct.filters;
21         fname = filter.name;
22         IF ignore_filters.grep('^' _ fname _ '$').size;
23             NEXT;
24         END;
25         trimmed_filters.push(filter);
26     END;
28     ctx.query_struct.filters = trimmed_filters;
30  %]
32 <div id="search-wrapper">
33     [% UNLESS took_care_of_form -%]
34     <form action="[% ctx.opac_root %]/results" method="get">
35     [%- END %]
36     [% IF ctx.page == 'rresult' && ctx.metarecord && search.metarecord_default %]
37     <input type="hidden" name="modifier" value="metabib"/>
38     [% END %]
39     [% IF (ctx.page == 'place_hold' || ctx.page == 'myopac' || ctx.page == 'home' || ctx.page == 'record') && search.metarecord_default %]
40     <input type="hidden" name="modifier" value="metabib"/>
41     [% END %]
42     <div id="search-box">
43         <span class="search_catalog_lbl mobile_hide">[% l('Search the Catalog') %]</span>
44         <span class="adv_search_catalog_lbl"><a href="[% mkurl(ctx.opac_root _ '/advanced', {},  expert_search_parms.merge(browse_search_parms, facet_search_parms)) %]"
45             id="home_adv_search_link">[% l('Advanced Search') %]</a></span>
46         <span class="browse_the_catalog_lbl"><a href="[% mkurl(ctx.opac_root _ '/browse', {}, expert_search_parms.merge(general_search_parms, facet_search_parms, ['fi:has_browse_entry'])) %]">[% l('Browse the Catalog') %]</a></span>
47         [% IF ctx.get_org_setting(ctx.physical_loc || ctx.aou_tree.id, 'circ.course_materials_opt_in') == 1 %]
48         <span class="search_courses_label"><a href="[% mkurl(ctx.opac_root _ '/course_search') %]">[% l('Search for Courses') %]</a></span>
49         <span class="search_courses_label"><a href="[% mkurl(ctx.opac_root _ '/course_browse') %]">[% l('Browse for Courses') %]</a></span>
50         [% END %]
51         [% INCLUDE 'opac/parts/cart.tt2' %]
52     </div>
53     <div class="searchbar [% is_home_page ? 'searchbar-home' : '' %]">
54         <span class='search_box_wrapper'>
55             [%- # autosuggest breaks accessibility, as the aria-label
56                 # attribute is removed when the Dijit is created. :(  %]
57             <label id="search_box_label" for="search_box">[% l('Search: ') %]
58             <input type="text" id="search_box" name="query" aria-label="[%
59                     l('Enter search query:');
60                 %]" value="[% is_advanced ? ctx.naive_query_scrub(ctx.user_query) : CGI.param('query') | html %]"
61                 class="search-box"
62                 [%- IF use_autosuggest.enabled == "t" %]
63                 dojoType="openils.widget.AutoSuggest" type_selector="'qtype'"
64                 submitter="this.textbox.form.submit();"
65                 [%-     IF use_autosuggest.value.search('opac_visible') %]
66                 store_args='{"org_unit_getter": function() { return [% ctx.search_ou %]; }}'
67                 [%-     END # opac_visible -%]
68                 [%- ELSE -%]
69                     [% IF basic_search != "f" AND is_home_page %] autofocus [% END %] x-webkit-speech
70                 [%- END # autosuggest enabled %] />
71             </label>
72         </span>
73         <label id="search_qtype_label" for="qtype">
74         [%- 
75             l('Type: ');
76             INCLUDE "opac/parts/qtype_selector.tt2" id="qtype";
77         -%]
78         </label>
79         <label id="search_itype_label" for="search_itype_selector">
80         [%-
81             l('Format: ');
82             IF search.basic_config.type == 'attr';
83                 INCLUDE "opac/parts/coded_value_selector.tt2"
84                     attr=search.basic_config.group none_ok=1 
85                     id='search_itype_selector'
86                     none_label=search.basic_config.none_label;
87             ELSIF search.basic_config.type == 'filter';
88                 INCLUDE "opac/parts/filter_group_selector.tt2"
89                     filter_group=search.basic_config.group none_ok=1 
90                     id='search_itype_selector'
91                     none_label=search.basic_config.none_label;
92             END;
93         -%]
94         </label>
95         <label id="search_locg_label" for="search_org_selector">
96         [%- 
97             l('Library: ');
98             select_lib_label = l("Select search library");
99             INCLUDE build_org_selector arialabel=select_lib_label 
100               id='search_org_selector' show_loc_groups=1 show_lassos=1
101         -%]
102         </label>
103         <label id="search_scope_label" for="search_scope_selector">
104         [%#-
105             l('Where: ');
106             select_scope_label = l("Select search scope");
107             INCLUDE build_scope_selector arialabel=select_scope_label value=ctx.search_scope
108               id='search_scope_selector' name='search_scope' show_loc_groups=1
109         -%]
110         </label>
111       <span>
112         <input id="detail" type="hidden" name="detail_record_view" value="[% show_detail_view %]"/>
113         <input id='search-submit-go' type="submit" value="[% l('Search') %]" class="opac-button"
114             onclick='setTimeout(function(){$("search-submit-spinner").className=""; $("search-submit-go").className="hidden";[% IF ctx.depth_sel_button AND NOT took_care_of_form %] $("search-submit-go-depth").className="hidden";[% END %]}, 2000)'/>
115         [%- IF ctx.depth_sel_button AND NOT took_care_of_form %]
116         <button id='search-submit-go-depth' type="submit" value="[% ctx.depth_sel_depth %]" name="depth" class="[% ctx.depth_sel_button_class %]"
117             onclick='setTimeout(function(){$("search-submit-spinner").className=""; $("search-submit-go").className="hidden"; $("search-submit-go-depth").className="hidden";}, 2000)' title="[% ctx.depth_sel_tooltip | html %]">[% ctx.depth_sel_button_label | html %]</button>
118         [%- END %]
119         <img id='search-submit-spinner' src='[% ctx.media_prefix %]/opac/images/progressbar_green.gif[% ctx.cache_key %]' style='height:16px;width:16px;' class='hidden' alt='[% l("Search In Progress") %]'/>
120         [%- IF took_care_of_form && !search.no_highlight %]
121         <label for="no_highlight">
122           <input type="checkbox" id="no_highlight" name="no_highlight" value="1"
123               onchange="search_modifier_onchange('no_highlight', this, true)"
124               [% CGI.param('no_highlight').size ? ' checked="checked"' : '' %] />
125           [% l('Disable Highlighting') %]
126         </label>
127         [%- END %]
128       </span>
129     </div>
130     [% IF ctx.bookbag %]
131     <div id="search-only-bookbag-container">
132         <input type="checkbox" id="search-only-bookbag" name="bookbag"
133             value="[% ctx.bookbag.id | html %]" checked="checked" />
134         <label for="search-only-bookbag">
135             [% l('Search only within the chosen list') %]
136         </label>
137     </div>
138     [% END %]
139     [% IF is_advanced || is_special %]
140     <div>
141         <input type="hidden" name="_adv" value="1" />
142         [% IF ctx.processed_search_query OR (NOT is_advanced AND NOT is_special) %]
143         <input name='page' type='hidden' value="0" />
144         [% END %]
145         [% IF is_advanced;
146             FOR p IN CGI.params.keys;
147                 NEXT UNLESS p.match('^fi:');
148                 NEXT IF p.match('^fi:search_format');
149                 FOR pv IN CGI.params.$p;
150                     %]<input type="hidden" name="[% p | html %]" value="[% pv | html %]" />[%
151                 END;
152             END;
153         END %]
154         [% IF is_special %]
155             <input type="hidden" name="_special" value="1" /> [%
156             number_of_expert_rows = CGI.param('tag').list.size;
157             index = 0;
158             WHILE index < number_of_expert_rows %]
159                 <input type="hidden" name="tag" value="[% CGI.param('tag').list.$index | html %]" />
160                 <input type="hidden" name="subfield" value="[% CGI.param('subfield').list.$index | html %]" />
161                 <input type="hidden" name="term" value="[% CGI.param('term').list.$index | html %]" />
162                 [% index = index + 1; %]
163             [% END %]
164         [% END %]
165     </div>
166     [%- END %]
167     [% UNLESS took_care_of_form %]
168         [% IF ctx.default_sort %]
169             <input type="hidden" name="sort" value="[% ctx.default_sort %]"/>
170         [% END %]
171         </form>
172     [% END %]
173     [% IF fcount > 0 %]
174       <div class="refine_search result_block_visible">
175         <span id="filter_hits">[ <a href="#" onclick="getAdvLimits();return false;">[% l('[quant,_1,filter,filters] applied', fcount) %]</a> ]</span>
176       </div>
177     [% END %]
178     [% IF ctx.query_struct.filters.size > 0 %]
179         [% stuff = INCLUDE 'opac/parts/result/adv_filter.tt2' %]
180         [% IF stuff %]
181         <h3 class="sr-only">[% l('Search Results filters') %]</h3>
182         <div id="adv_filter_results_block" class="adv_filter_results_hide">
183         <span class="adv_filter_results_block_label">[% l('Filtered by:') %]</span>
184             [% stuff %]
185         </div>
186         [% END %]
187     [% END %]
188     [% IF (is_advanced AND NOT is_special) AND CGI.param('qtype') %]
189     <div class="refine_search result_block_visible">
190         <span id="refine_search_link">[ <a href="[% mkurl(ctx.opac_root _ '/advanced') %]">[%
191             l('Refine My Original Search')
192         %]</a> ]</span>
193     </div>
194     [% END %]
196     <script>
197     function getAdvLimits() {
198         var AdvLimitsClass = document.getElementById('adv_filter_results_block').classList;
199         if (AdvLimitsClass.contains("adv_filter_results_hide")) {
200            AdvLimitsClass.remove("adv_filter_results_hide");
201         } else {
202            AdvLimitsClass.add("adv_filter_results_hide");
203         }
204         if (AdvLimitsClass.contains("adv_filter_results_show")) {
205            AdvLimitsClass.remove("adv_filter_results_show");
206         } else {
207            AdvLimitsClass.add("adv_filter_results_show");
208         }
209      }
210      </script>
211     <!-- Canonicalized query:
213     [% ctx.canonicalized_query | html %]
215     -->
216     <!--
217     <div id="breadcrumb">
218         <a href="[% ctx.opac_root %]/home">[% l('Catalog Home') %]</a> &gt;
219     </div>
220     -->
221     <div class="clear-both"></div>
222 </div>