]> git.evergreen-ils.org Git - Evergreen.git/blob - Open-ILS/src/templates/opac/parts/record/copy_table.tt2
lp1849212: OPAC course material circulation modifier
[Evergreen.git] / Open-ILS / src / templates / opac / parts / record / copy_table.tt2
1 [%-
3 # If being used in serial mode, flatten list of units so that they can be
4 # used like one long list of copies without changing so much code below.
5 IF serial_holdings;
6     copies = [];
7     FOREACH h IN serial_holdings;
8         units = h.units.slice(0); # copy
9         FOREACH unit IN units;
10             unit.holding_label = h.label;
11         END;
12         copies = copies.merge(units);
13     END;
14 END;
16 FOREACH copy_info IN copies;
17     IF copy_info.call_number_label != '##URI##';
18         has_copies = 'true';
19     END;
20     IF copy_info.part_label != '';
21         has_parts = 'true';
22     END;
23     IF has_parts && has_copies;
24         LAST;
25     END;
26 END;
27 -%]
28 [%-
29 IF has_copies or ctx.foreign_copies;
30   depth = CGI.param('copy_depth').defined ? CGI.param('copy_depth') : CGI.param('depth').defined ? CGI.param('depth') : ctx.copy_summary.last.depth;
31   total_copies = ctx.copy_summary.$depth.count;
32 %]
33 <table class="table_no_border_space table_no_cell_pad table_no_border" width="100%" id="rdetails_status">
34     <thead>
35         <tr>
36             [% IF serial_holdings -%]
37             <th scope='col'>[% l("Issue Label") %]</th>
38             [%- ELSE -%]
39             <th scope='col'>[% l("Location") %]</th>
40             [%- END %]
41             <th scope='col'>[% l("Call Number / Copy Notes") %]</th>
42             [%- IF has_parts == 'true' %]
43             <th scope='col'>[% l("Part") %]</th>
44             [%- END %]
45             <th scope='col'>[% l("Barcode") %]</th>
46             <th scope='col'>[% l("Shelving Location") %]</th>
47             [% IF ctx.is_staff || ctx.get_org_setting(ctx.aou_tree.id, 'circ.course_materials_opt_in') == 1 %]
48             <th scope='col'>[% l("Circulation Modifier") %]</th>
49             [% END %]
50             [% IF ctx.is_staff %]
51             <th scope='col'>[% l("Age Hold Protection") %]</th>
52             <th scope='col'>[% l("Active/Create Date") %]</th>
53             [%- END %]
54             [%- IF ctx.is_staff OR serial_holdings %]
55             <th scope='col'>[% l("Holdable?") %]</th>
56             [%- END %]
57             <th scope='col'>[% l("Status") %]</th>
58             <th scope='col'>[% l("Due Date") %]</th>
59             [%- IF ctx.get_org_setting(ctx.aou_tree.id, 'circ.course_materials_opt_in') == 1 %]
60             <th scope='col'>[% l("Courses") %]</th>
61             [%- END %]
62         </tr>
63     </thead>
64     <tbody class="copy_details_table">
65 [%- FOREACH peer IN ctx.foreign_copies;
66         FOREACH bib IN peer.foreign_copy_maps; %]
67     <tr class="copy_details_row"><td>
68     [%- bib_lib_name = ctx.get_aou(bib.target_copy.circ_lib).name | html;
69         l("[_1] (foreign item)", bib_lib_name); -%]
70         <ul><li>
71             <span class="bib_peer_type">[% bib.peer_type.name | html %]</span>:
72             <a href="[% mkurl(ctx.opac_root _ '/record/' _ bib.target_copy.call_number.record) %]">
73                 <span class="bib_peer_title">[% peer.title | html %]</span> / 
74                 <span class="bib_peer_author">[% peer.author | html %]</span>
75             </a>
76         </li></ul>
77     </td>
78     <td>[% bib.target_copy.call_number.label | html %]</td>
79     <td>[% bib.target_copy.barcode | html %]</td>
80     <td>[% bib.target_copy.location.name | html %]</td>
81     <td>[% bib.target_copy.status.name | html %]</td>
82     <td>[% date.format(ctx.parse_datetime(copy_info.due_date, copy_info.circ_circ_lib),DATE_FORMAT) %]</td>
83     [%- IF ctx.get_org_setting(CGI.param('loc') 
84         OR ctx.aou_tree.id, 'circ.course_materials_opt_in') == 1 %]
85     <td></td>
86     [%- END %]
87 </tr>
88    [%- END; # FOREACH peer
89 END; # FOREACH bib
90 -%]
91         [%- last_cn = 0;
92         FOR copy_info IN copies;
93             callnum = copy_info.call_number_label;
94             NEXT IF callnum == '##URI##';
96             callnum_prefix = copy_info.call_number_prefix_label;
97             IF callnum_prefix != "";
98                 callnum = callnum_prefix _ " " _ callnum;
99             END;
101             callnum_suffix = copy_info.call_number_suffix_label;
102             IF callnum_suffix != "";
103                 callnum = callnum  _ " " _ callnum_suffix;
104             END;
105         -%]
106         <tr class="copy_details_offers_row" property="offers" typeof="Offer">
107             [%- IF serial_holdings %]<td class='rdetail-issue-issue'>
108                 [%- copy_info.holding_label | html; -%]
109             </td>
110             [%- ELSE %]<td>
111             [%- INCLUDE "opac/parts/library_name_link.tt2"; -%]
112                 <link property="businessFunction" href="http://purl.org/goodrelations/v1#LeaseOut">
113                 <meta property="price" content="0.00">
114             </td>[% END %]
115             <td><span property="sku">[% callnum | html %]</span> [% IF ctx.get_org_setting(CGI.param('loc') 
116                 OR ctx.aou_tree.id, 'sms.enable') == 1 %](<a href="[% mkurl(ctx.opac_root _ '/sms_cn', 
117                {copy_id => copy_info.id}) %];rec=[%- ctx.bre_id -%]" rel="nofollow" vocab="">Text</a>)[% END %]</td>
118             [%- IF has_parts == 'true' %]
119             <td>[% copy_info.part_label | html %]</td>
120             [%- END %]
121             <td property="serialNumber">
122                 [% copy_info.barcode | html -%]
123                 [% IF ctx.is_staff %]
124                   [%- IF ctx.is_browser_staff %]
125                     <a target="_blank" href="[% ctx.base_path %]/staff/cat/item/[% copy_info.id %]">[% l('view') %]</a>
126                     [% IF ctx.has_perm('UPDATE_COPY', copy_info.circ_lib) 
127                         OR ctx.has_perm('UPDATE_COPY', copy_info.call_number_owning_lib) %]
128                         <span> | </span>
129                         <a target="_blank" href="[% ctx.base_path %]/staff/cat/item/[% copy_info.id %]/edit">[% l('edit') %]</a>
130                     [% END %]
131                   [% ELSE %]
132                     <a onclick="xulG.new_tab(xulG.urls.XUL_COPY_STATUS, {}, {'from_item_details_new': true, 'barcodes': ['[%- copy_info.barcode | html | replace('\'', '\\\'') -%]']})"
133                         href="javascript:;">[% l('view') %]</a>
134                     [%# if the user can edit copies, show the copy edit link %]
135                     [% IF ctx.has_perm('UPDATE_COPY', copy_info.circ_lib) 
136                         OR ctx.has_perm('UPDATE_COPY', copy_info.call_number_owning_lib) %]
137                         <span> | </span>
138                         <a href="javascript:;" 
139                             onclick="xulG.volume_item_creator({copy_id : [% copy_info.id %]})">
140                             [% l(' edit') %]
141                         </a>
142                     [% END %]
143                   [% END %]
144                 [% END %]
145                 [%- IF attrs.gtin13;
146                     '<meta property="gtin13" content="' _ attrs.gtin13 _ '" />';
147                 END; -%]
148             </td>
149             <td property="availableAtOrFrom">[%- INCLUDE "opac/parts/location_name_link.tt2"; -%]</td>
151             [% IF copy_info.courses.size > 0 || ctx.is_staff %]
152             <td>[% copy_info.circ_modifier | html %]</td>
153             [% ELSIF ctx.is_staff %]
154             <td>
155                 [% copy_info.age_protect ?
156                     ctx.get_crahp(copy_info.age_protect).name : l('None') | html %]
157             </td>
158             <td>[% 
159                 IF ctx.get_org_setting(copy_info.circ_lib, 'circ.holds.age_protect.active_date') == 1;
160                     disp_date = copy_info.active_date ? copy_info.active_date : copy_info.create_date;
161                 ELSE;
162                     disp_date = copy_info.create_date;
163                 END;
165                 IF disp_date;
166                     date.format(
167                         ctx.parse_datetime(disp_date),
168                         DATE_FORMAT
169                     );
170                 ELSE;
171                    '-';
172                 END;
173             %]</td>
174             [% ELSIF ctx.get_org_setting(ctx.aou_tree.id, 'circ.course_materials_opt_in') == 1 %]
175             <td></td>
176             [% END # is_staff %]
177             [% IF ctx.is_staff OR serial_holdings %]
178             <td>[%  # Show copy/volume hold links to staff (without
179                 # checking whether they have permissions to do those).
180                 overall_holdable = (
181                     copy_info.holdable == 't' AND
182                     copy_info.location_holdable == 't' AND
183                     copy_info.status_holdable == 't'
184                 );
185                 IF overall_holdable;
186                     hold_link = '';
187                     param_sep = l(" / ");
189                     # Only staff get to place copy or volume holds
190                     IF ctx.is_staff; 
191                         hold_link = '<a href="' _
192                             mkurl(ctx.opac_root _ '/place_hold', {
193                                 hold_target => copy_info.id,
194                                 hold_type => 'C',
195                                 hold_source_page => mkurl()
196                             }) _ '">' _ l('Copy hold') _ '</a>';
197                         IF copy_info.call_number != last_cn;
198                             last_cn = copy_info.call_number; 
199                             hold_link = hold_link _ param_sep;
200                             hold_link = hold_link _ '<a href="' _
201                                 mkurl(ctx.opac_root _ '/place_hold', {
202                                     hold_target => copy_info.call_number,
203                                     hold_type => 'V',
204                                     hold_source_page => mkurl()
205                                 }) _ '">' _ l('Volume hold') _ '</a>';
206                         END;
207                         IF serial_holdings;
208                             hold_link = hold_link _ param_sep;
209                         END;
210                     END; 
211                     IF serial_holdings; 
212                         hold_link = hold_link _
213                             '<a class="rdetail-issue-place-hold" href="' _
214                             mkurl(ctx.opac_root _ '/place_hold', {
215                                 hold_target => copy_info.issuance,
216                                 hold_type => 'I',
217                                 hold_source_page => mkurl()
218                             }) _ '" rel="nofollow" vocab="">' _ l('Issue hold') _ '</a>';
219                     END; 
221                     hold_link;
222                 ELSE; 
223                     l("Not holdable");
224                 END %]</td>
225             [%- END %]
226             <td>[%-
227                 schema_copy_status.${copy_info.status_code};
228                 copy_info.copy_status | html;
229             -%]</td>
230             <td>[%
231                 IF copy_info.due_date;
232                     date.format(
233                         ctx.parse_datetime(copy_info.due_date, copy_info.circ_circ_lib),
234                         DATE_FORMAT
235                     );
236                 ELSE;
237                     '-';
238                 END %]</td>
239             [%- IF ctx.get_org_setting(ctx.aou_tree.id, 'circ.course_materials_opt_in') == 1 %]
240             <td>[%- FOREACH course IN copy_info.courses %]
241                 <div>[% course.course_number %]</div>
242             [% END %]</td>
243             [% END %]
244         </tr>
246         [% IF copy_info.notes; %]
247             [% FOREACH note IN copy_info.notes; %]
248                 <tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td class="copy_note" colspan="4" property="description"><strong>[% note.title | html %]:</strong> [% note.value | html %]</td></tr>
249             [% END %]
250         [% END %]
252         [% IF copy_info.tags; %]
253             [% FOREACH tag IN copy_info.tags; %]
254                 <tr class="copy_tag_row">
255                     <td>&nbsp;</td>
256                     <td class="copy_tag" colspan="4">
257                         <span class="copy_tag_type_label">[% tag.tag_type.label _ ": " | html %]</span>
258                         <span class="copy_tag_value">
259                             [% IF tag.url %]
260                             <a href="[% tag.url | html %]">
261                             [% END %]
262                                 [% tag.value | html %]
263                             [% IF tag.url %]
264                             </a>
265                             [% END %]
266                         </span>
267                     </td>
268                 <tr>
269             [% END %]
270         [% END %]
272 <tr><td>
273 [%- IF copy_info.peer_bib_marc.size > 0;
274 '<ul>';
275     FOREACH bib IN copy_info.peer_bib_marc;
276         attrs = {marc_xml => bib};
277         PROCESS get_marc_attrs args=attrs %]
278 [%- IF attrs.bibid != ctx.bre_id; -%]
279     <li property="isRelatedTo" typeof="Product">
280         [%- # Map the bound-with relationship -%]
281         <a href="[% mkurl(ctx.opac_root _ '/record/' _ attrs.bibid) %]" property="url">
282             <span class="bib_peer_title" property="name">[% attrs.title | html %]</span>
283             / <span class="bib_peer_author">[% attrs.author | html %]</span>
284         </a>
285     </li>
286 [%- END; # IF attrs.bibid %]
287 [%- END; # FOREACH bib in copy_info.peer_bib_marc
288 '</ul>';
289     END # IF copy_info.peer_bib_marc.size
290 %]
291 </td></tr>
292 [%- END; # FOR copy_info
293 %]
294         <tr>
295         [%- IF ctx.copy_offset > 0 AND NOT serial_holdings;
296             new_offset = ctx.copy_offset - ctx.copy_limit;
297             IF new_offset < 0; new_offset = 0; END %]
298             <td>
299                 <a href="[% mkurl('', {copy_offset => new_offset, copy_limit => ctx.copy_limit}) %]">&laquo; [%
300                     l('Previous [_1]', ctx.copy_offset - new_offset) %]</a>
301             </td>
302         [%- END %]
303         [%- IF copies.size >= ctx.copy_limit AND NOT serial_holdings AND (ctx.copy_offset + ctx.copy_limit < total_copies) %]
304             <td>
305                 <a href="[% mkurl('', {copy_offset => ctx.copy_offset + ctx.copy_limit, copy_limit => ctx.copy_limit}) %]">[%
306                     l('Next [_1]', ctx.copy_limit) %] &raquo;</a>
307             </td>
308         [%- END %]
309         </tr>
310         [% IF NOT serial_holdings -%]
311         <tr>
312             <td>
313                 [%- more_copies_limit = 50 %] [%# TODO: config %]
314                 [%- IF  ctx.copy_limit != more_copies_limit AND copies.size >= ctx.copy_limit AND ctx.copy_limit < total_copies %]
315                     <div class="rdetail_show_copies">
316                         <img src="[% ctx.media_prefix %]/images/plus_sign.png[% ctx.cache_key %]" alt="[% l('Show more copies icon') %]"/>
317                         <a href="[% mkurl('', {copy_limit => more_copies_limit, copy_offset => 0}) %]">[% l('Show more copies') %]</a>
318                     </div>
319                 [%- ELSIF ctx.copy_limit == more_copies_limit %]
320                     <div  class="rdetail_show_copies">
321                         <img src="[% ctx.media_prefix %]/images/minus_sign.png[% ctx.cache_key %]" alt="[% l('Show fewer copies icon') %]"/>
322                         <a href="[% mkurl('', {copy_limit => 0, copy_offset => 0}) %]">[% l('Show fewer copies') %]</a>
323                     </div>
324                 [%- END %]
325             </td>
326         </tr>
327         [%- END %]
328     </tbody>
329 </table>
330 [% END; %]