]> git.evergreen-ils.org Git - Evergreen.git/blob - Open-ILS/src/eg2/src/app/staff/catalog/record/record.component.html
LP1818288 WS Option to pre-fetch record holds
[Evergreen.git] / Open-ILS / src / eg2 / src / app / staff / catalog / record / record.component.html
2 <div id="staff-catalog-record-container">
3   <div class="row ml-0 mr-0">
4     <div id='staff-catalog-bib-navigation'>
5       <div *ngIf="searchContext.isSearchable()">
6         <eg-catalog-record-pagination [recordId]="recordId">
7         </eg-catalog-record-pagination>
8       </div>
9     </div>
10     <!-- push the actions component to the right -->
11     <div class="flex-1"></div>
12     <div id='staff-catalog-bib-navigation'>
13       <eg-catalog-record-actions [recordId]="recordId">
14       </eg-catalog-record-actions>
15     </div>
16   </div>
17   <div id='staff-catalog-bib-summary-container' class='mt-1'>
18     <eg-bib-summary [bibSummary]="summary">
19     </eg-bib-summary>
20   </div>
21   <div id='staff-catalog-bib-tabs-container' class='mt-3'>
22     <div class="row">
23       <div class="col-lg-12 text-right">
24         <button class="btn btn-secondary btn-sm"
25             [disabled]="recordTab == defaultTab"
26             (click)="setDefaultTab()" i18n>Set Default View</button>
27       </div>
28     </div>
29     <ngb-tabset #recordTabs [activeId]="recordTab" (tabChange)="onTabChange($event)">
30       <ngb-tab title="Copy Table" i18n-title id="catalog">
31         <ng-template ngbTabContent>
32           <eg-catalog-copies [recordId]="recordId"></eg-catalog-copies>
33         </ng-template>
34       </ngb-tab>
35       <!-- NOTE some tabs send the user over to the AngJS app -->
36       <ngb-tab title="MARC Edit" i18n-title id="marc_edit">
37         <ng-template ngbTabContent>
38           <div class="alert alert-info mt-3" i18n>
39             MARC Edit not yet implemented.  See the
40             <a target="_blank"
41               href="/eg/staff/cat/catalog/record/{{recordId}}/marc_edit">
42               AngularJS MARC Edit Tab.
43             </a>
44           </div>
45         </ng-template>
46       </ngb-tab>
47       <ngb-tab title="MARC View" i18n-title id="marc_html">
48         <ng-template ngbTabContent>
49           <eg-marc-html [recordId]="recordId" recordType="bib"></eg-marc-html>
50         </ng-template>
51       </ngb-tab>
52       <ngb-tab title="View Holds" i18n-title id="holds">
53         <ng-template ngbTabContent>
54           <eg-holds-grid [recordId]="recordId"
55             preFetchSetting="catalog.record.holds.prefetch"
56             persistKey="cat.catalog.wide_holds"
57             [defaultSort]="[{name:'request_time',dir:'asc'}]"
58             [initialPickupLib]="currentSearchOrg()"></eg-holds-grid>
59         </ng-template>
60       </ngb-tab>
61       <ngb-tab title="Monograph Parts" i18n-title id="monoparts">
62         <ng-template ngbTabContent>
63           <eg-catalog-record-parts [recordId]="recordId">
64           </eg-catalog-record-parts>
65         </ng-template>
66       </ngb-tab>
67       <ngb-tab title="Holdings View" i18n-title id="holdings">
68         <ng-template ngbTabContent>
69           <div class="alert alert-info mt-3" i18n>
70             Holdings not yet implemented.  See the
71             <a target="_blank"
72               href="/eg/staff/cat/catalog/record/{{recordId}}/holdings">
73               AngularJS Holdings Tab.
74             </a>
75           </div>
76         </ng-template>
77       </ngb-tab>
78       <ngb-tab title="Conjoined Items" i18n-title id="conjoined">
79         <ng-template ngbTabContent>
80           <div class="alert alert-info mt-3" i18n>
81             Conjoined Items not yet implemented.  See the
82             <a target="_blank"
83               href="/eg/staff/cat/catalog/record/{{recordId}}/conjoined">
84               AngularJS Conjoined Items Tab.
85             </a>
86           </div>
87         </ng-template>
88       </ngb-tab>
89     </ngb-tabset>
90   </div>
91 </div>