]> git.evergreen-ils.org Git - Evergreen.git/blob - Open-ILS/src/eg2/src/app/staff/admin/local/course-reserves/course-page.component.html
[Evergreen.git] / Open-ILS / src / eg2 / src / app / staff / admin / local / course-reserves / course-page.component.html
1 <eg-staff-banner
2   bannerText=" {{currentCourse.course_number()}}: {{currentCourse.name()}}"
3   i18n-bannerText class="mb-3" *ngIf="currentCourse"
4   [bannerStyle]="currentCourse.is_archived() == 't' ? 'alert-secondary' : null"
5   [bannerIcon]="currentCourse.is_archived() == 't' ? 'lock' : null">
6 </eg-staff-banner>
7 <ngb-tabset class="mb-3">
9   <!-- Edit Tab -->
10   <ngb-tab title="Edit Course" i18n-title id="edit">
11     <ng-template ngbTabContent>
12       <div class="row">
13         <div class="col-lg-3 mt-3">
14           <button class="p-2 mb-3 btn btn-danger btn-lg"
15             (click)="archiveCourse()" [disabled]="currentCourse && currentCourse.is_archived() == 't'">
16             <i class="material-icons align-middle"
17               *ngIf="currentCourse && currentCourse.is_archived() == 't'">block</i>
18             <span class="align-middle">Archive Course</span>
19           </button>
20         </div>
21         <div class="col-lg-6 mt-3">
22           <eg-fm-record-editor displayMode="inline"
23             hiddenFieldsList="id,is_archived"
24             idlClass="acmc"
25             [preloadLinkedValues]="true"
26             [record]="currentCourse">
27           </eg-fm-record-editor>
28         </div>
29       </div>
30     </ng-template>
31   </ngb-tab>
33   <!-- Materials Tab -->
34   <ngb-tab title="Course Materials" i18n-title id="courseMaterials">
35     <ng-template ngbTabContent>
36       <div class="row mt-3">
37         <!-- Input Sidebar -->
38         <div class="col-lg-4 mt-3">
39           <div class="row mt-3">
40             <div class="col-lg-12 d-flex">
41               <div class="input-group">
42                 <div class="input-group-prepend">
43                   <span class="input-group-text" i18n>Barcode</span>
44                 </div>
45                 <input type="text" class="flex-grow-1" [(ngModel)]="barcodeInput"
46                   (click)="$event.target.select()" 
47                   [disabled]="currentCourse && currentCourse.is_archived() == 't'"
48                   (keyup.enter)="associateItem(barcodeInput, relationshipInput)" />
49               </div>
50             </div>
51           </div>
52           <div class="row mt-3">
53             <div class="col-lg-12 d-flex">
54               <div class="input-group">
55                 <div class="input-group-prepend">
56                   <span class="input-group-text" i18n>Relationship</span>
57                 </div>
58                 <input type="text" [(ngModel)]="relationshipInput"
59                   [disabled]="currentCourse && currentCourse.is_archived() == 't'"
60                   placeholder-i18n placeholder="e.g. Required"
61                   class="flex-grow-1" />
62               </div>
63             </div>
64           </div>
65           <div class="row mt-3">
66             <div class="col-lg-12 text-right">
67               <button class="btn btn-primary" 
68                 [disabled]="currentCourse && currentCourse.is_archived() == 't'"
69                 (click)="associateItem(barcodeInput, relationshipInput)"
70                 i18n [disabled]="!barcodeInput">
71                 Add Material
72               </button>
73             </div>
74           </div>
75           <div class="row justify-content-center mt-3">
76             <div class="col">
77               <h5 i18n>The following fields will be applied to the material 
78                     added, and reverted once the course is no longer associated 
79                     with the material.</h5>
80             </div>
81           </div>
82           <div class="row mt-3">
83             <div class="col-lg-12 d-flex">
84               <div class="input-group">
85                 <div class="input-group-prepend">
86                   <div class="input-group-text">
87                     <span i18n>Call Number</span>
88                   </div>
89                 </div>
90                 <input type="text" [(ngModel)]="tempCallNumber"
91                   [disabled]="currentCourse && currentCourse.is_archived() == 't'"
92                   (input)="isModifyingCallNumber = true" class="flex-grow-1" />
93                 <div class="input-group-append">
94                   <div class="input-group-text">
95                     <input type="checkbox" [(ngModel)]="isModifyingCallNumber"
96                       [disabled]="currentCourse && currentCourse.is_archived() == 't'"
97                       aria-label="Checkbox for setting a temporary Call Number" />
98                   </div>
99                 </div>
100               </div>
101             </div>
102           </div>
103           <div class="row mt-3">
104             <div class="col-lg-12 d-flex">
105               <div class="input-group">
106                 <div class="input-group-prepend">
107                   <div class="input-group-text">
108                     <span i18n>Circulation Modifier</span>
109                   </div>
110                 </div>
111                 <eg-combobox i18n-placeholder placeholder="Circulation Modifier..."
112                   idlClass="ccm" idlField="name" [displayTemplate]="idlClassLabel"
113                   [disabled]="currentCourse && currentCourse.is_archived() == 't'"
114                   [asyncSupportsEmptyTermClick]="true" class="flex-grow-1" 
115                   (onChange)="tempCircMod = $event.id; isModifyingCircMod = true">
116                 </eg-combobox>
117                 <div class="input-group-append">
118                   <div class="input-group-text">
119                     <input type="checkbox" [(ngModel)]="isModifyingCircMod"
120                       [disabled]="currentCourse && currentCourse.is_archived() == 't'"
121                       aria-label="Checkbox for setting a temporary Circulation Modifier" />
122                   </div>
123                 </div>
124               </div>
125             </div>
126           </div>
127           <div class="row mt-3">
128             <div class="col-lg-12 d-flex">
129               <div class="input-group">
130                 <div class="input-group-prepend">
131                   <div class="input-group-text">
132                     <span i18n>Item Status</span>
133                   </div>
134                 </div>
135                 <eg-combobox i18n-placeholder placeholder="Item Status..."
136                   idlClass="ccs" idlField="name" [displayTemplate]="idlClassLabel"
137                   [disabled]="currentCourse && currentCourse.is_archived() == 't'"
138                   [asyncSupportsEmptyTermClick]="true" class="flex-grow-1" 
139                   (onChange)="tempStatus = $event.id; isModifyingStatus = true">
140                 </eg-combobox>
141                 <div class="input-group-append">
142                   <div class="input-group-text">
143                     <input type="checkbox" [(ngModel)]="isModifyingStatus"
144                       [disabled]="currentCourse && currentCourse.is_archived() == 't'"
145                       aria-label="Checkbox for setting a temporary Item Status" />
146                   </div>
147                 </div>
148               </div>
149             </div>
150           </div>
151           <div class="row mt-3">
152             <div class="col-lg-12 d-flex">
153               <div class="input-group">
154                 <div class="input-group-prepend">
155                   <div class="input-group-text">
156                     <span i18n>Shelving Location</span>
157                   </div>
158                 </div>
159                 <eg-item-location-select permFilter="MANAGE_RESERVES" class="flex-grow-1" 
160                   [disabled]="currentCourse && currentCourse.is_archived() == 't'"
161                   [(ngModel)]="tempLocation" (valueChange)="isModifyingLocation = true">
162                 </eg-item-location-select>
163                 <div class="input-group-append">
164                   <div class="input-group-text">
165                     <input type="checkbox" [(ngModel)]="isModifyingLocation"
166                       [disabled]="currentCourse && currentCourse.is_archived() == 't'"
167                       aria-label="Checkbox for setting a temporary Shelving Location" />
168                   </div>
169                 </div>
170               </div>
171             </div>
172           </div>
173         </div>
174         <!-- End Input Sidebar -->
175         <div class="col-lg-8 mt-3">
176           <eg-grid #materialsGrid [dataSource]="materialsDataSource">
177             <eg-grid-toolbar-action label="Delete Selected" i18n-label (onClick)="deleteSelected($event)">
178             </eg-grid-toolbar-action>
180             <eg-grid-column path="id" [index]=true [hidden]="true" label="ID" i18n-label></eg-grid-column>
181             <eg-grid-column label="Barcode" i18n-label name="barcode" [cellTemplate]="barcodeCellTemplate"></eg-grid-column>
182             <eg-grid-column label="Title" i18n-label name="title" [cellTemplate]="titleCellTemplate"></eg-grid-column>
183             <eg-grid-column path="call_number.label" label="Call Number" i18n-label></eg-grid-column>
184             <eg-grid-column path="call_number.prefix.label" [hidden]="true" label="Call Number Prefix" i18n-label hidden></eg-grid-column>
185             <eg-grid-column path="call_number.suffix.label" [hidden]="true" label="Call Number Suffix" i18n-label hidden></eg-grid-column>
186             <eg-grid-column path="circ_modifier" [hidden]="true" label="Circulation Modifier" i18n-label></eg-grid-column>
187             <eg-grid-column path="circ_lib.shortname" label="Circulation Library" i18n-label></eg-grid-column>
188             <eg-grid-column path="location.name" [hidden]="true" label="Shelving Location" i18n-label></eg-grid-column>
189             <eg-grid-column path="status.name" [hidden]="true" label="Copy Status" i18n-label></eg-grid-column>
190             <eg-grid-column path="_relationship" label="Relationship" i18n-label></eg-grid-column>
191           </eg-grid>
192         </div>
193       </div>
194       <ng-template #barcodeCellTemplate let-entry="row">
195         <span>
196           <a class="pl-1"
197             href="/eg/staff/cat/item/{{entry.id()}}">
198             {{entry.barcode()}}
199           </a>
200         </span>
201       </ng-template>
202       <ng-template #titleCellTemplate let-entry="row">
203         <span>
204           <a class="pl-1"
205             href="/eg/staff/cat/catalog/record/{{entry.call_number().record()}}">
206             {{entry._title}}
207           </a>
208         </span>
209       </ng-template>
210       <ng-template #idlClassLabel let-r="result" i18n>
211         {{r.label}}
212       </ng-template>
213     </ng-template>
214   </ngb-tab>
216   <!-- Users Tab -->
217   <ngb-tab title="Course Users" i18n-title id="courseUsers">
218     <ng-template ngbTabContent>
219       <div class="row mt-3">
220         <div class="col-lg-4 mt-3">
221           <div class="row mt-3">
222             <div class="col-lg-12 d-flex">
223               <div class="input-group">
224                 <div class="input-group-prepend">
225                   <span class="input-group-text" i18n>Patron Barcode</span>
226                 </div>
227                 <input type="text" class="flex-grow-1" [(ngModel)]="userBarcode"
228                   (click)="$event.target.select()" 
229                   [disabled]="currentCourse && currentCourse.is_archived() == 't'" />
230                   <!--(keyup.enter)="associateUser(userBarcode)"-->
231               </div>
232             </div>
233           </div>
234           <div class="row mt-3">
235             <div class="col-lg-12 d-flex">
236               <div class="input-group">
237                 <div class="input-group-prepend">
238                   <span class="input-group-text" i18n>Role</span>
239                 </div>
240                 <input type="text" [(ngModel)]="userRoleInput"
241                   [disabled]="currentCourse && currentCourse.is_archived() == 't'"
242                   placeholder-i18n placeholder="e.g. Student, TA, Instructor..."
243                   class="flex-grow-1" />
244               </div>
245             </div>
246           </div>
247           <div class="row mt-3">
248             <div class="col-lg-12 text-right">
249               <!--(click)="associateUser(userBarcode)"-->
250               <button class="btn btn-primary"
251                 [disabled]="currentCourse && currentCourse.is_archived() == 't'"
252                 i18n [disabled]="!userBarcode">
253                 Add User
254               </button>
255             </div>
256           </div>
257         </div>
258         <div class="col-lg-8 mt-3">
259           <!-- eg-grid -->
260         </div>
261       </div>
262     </ng-template>
263   </ngb-tab>
264 </ngb-tabset>
266 <eg-string #archiveFailedString i18n-text text="Archival of Course failed or was not allowed"></eg-string>
267 <eg-string #archiveSuccessString i18n-text text="Archival of Course succeeded"></eg-string>
268 <eg-string #materialDeleteFailedString i18n-text text="Disassociation of Course Material failed or was not allowed"></eg-string>
269 <eg-string #materialDeleteSuccessString i18n-text text="Disassociation of Course Material succeeded"></eg-string>
270 <eg-string #materialAddSuccessString i18n-text text="Association of Course Material succeeded"></eg-string>
271 <eg-string #materialAddFailedString i18n-text text="Association of Course Material failed or was not allowed"></eg-string>
272 <eg-string #MaterialAddDifferentLibraryString i18n-text text="Material exists at a different library"></eg-string>