Quick way to install and test Evergreen using this branch: Install Debian Wheezy and make sure the account you're using has sudo privileges without having to specify a password. You can ensure the latter by entering: sudo visudo And changing the line corresponding to your user to resemble this line: accountusername ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL Then after saving and exiting that file, and logging off and re-logging back on as that user, create a script (for example, run_me.sh) containing these lines (with no indentation): #!/bin/bash sudo apt-get -q -y install git-core git clone git://git.evergreen-ils.org/working/random.git cd random/ git checkout -b wheezy origin/collab/phasefx/wheezy_installer cd installer/wheezy time sudo ./eg_wheezy_installer.sh -y -a -s -t Then to fire it off, do: chmod +x run_me.sh ./run_me.sh This will install Evergreen master along with the stock test data, and run QA tests against Evergreen and that data. You can tweak the parameters passed to eg_wheezy_installer.sh to change this behavior.