[% # Org Unit Selector Widget : # INCLUDE build_org_selector id='selector-id' name='selector-name' # value=org_id show_loc_groups=1/0 can_have_vols_only=1/0 # # NOTE: DO NOT USE PROCESS # Use of PROCESS results in internal variables, such as value or org_unit, to "leak" out PROCESS "opac/parts/misc_util.tt2"; PROCESS get_library; BLOCK build_org_selector; node_stack = [{org => org_unit || ctx.aouct_tree || ctx.aou_tree}]; inherited_vis = ctx.get_cgf('opac.org_unit.non_inherited_visibility').enabled == 'f'; IF !name; name = loc_name; END; IF !value; value = loc_value; END; # if the selected org unit is out of hiding scope, # disable the ou-hide scoping altogether. hiding_disabled = ctx.org_hiding_disabled(value); -%] [%- END %]